Sunday, 24 November 2013

Term 4 - Discovery

Discovery time is an opportunity for your child to choose from a range of activities some of which are not offered during the normal course of the day.  Your child is encouraged to try different things.  The Key Competencies: Thinking, Relating to Others, Understanding texts and symbols, Managing Self and Participating and Contributing are embedded through Discovery time, as are the School Values.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Beat and Rhythm

Write and clap a rhythm

·      To write and clap a rhythm
·      To use semi quavers, crotchets or rests in our rhythm
·      To write a rhythm that is equal to four counts    

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Term 4 - Published Writing

Publish our writing

·      Re-read our draft so that it makes sense
·      Go back and fix up mistakes
·      Copy our draft work correctly
·      Use our neatest hand writing  

term 4 - Dance/Drama Integrated Topic

Express ourselves creatively through dance

·      Learn the steps to the dance
·      Keep in time to the music
·      Follow instructions

Value Focus: (Excellence)
·      To try our best
·      To persevere

·      Acknowledge the efforts of others


These are some of the things I think a good reader does:
  • They concentrate
  • They speak clearly and use punctuation in their reading
  • They try to work out unknown words
  • They read with expression

Oaklands' School CARE VALUES

I show the Community  value when I pick up rubbish, let other people play and when I look after the environment.

I use the  Active Thinking value when I listen to instructions, think about what has been said and think about the choices I make.

I demonstrate the Respect value when I put up my hand to speak, listen to others and look after my property.

I show the  Excellence value when I do my best work and try new things.